Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Semi-annual update time

OK. People have been complaining because I don't update my blog.

-I'm doing the WEST COAST TRAIL this August!
wedding website is up!
-Heard about scary person who have been stalking the Calgary Chinese churches through facebook (don't add people you don't know..especially people with the initials J.L.)
-I am currently frantically trying to finish my online courses, which are due in less than a week
-I'm attending 11 weddings this year, and skipping out on 2
-I just finished a half marathon!! Full marathon next year, baby!!
-I just quit one of my jobs.
-I had black licorice ice cream at Lics.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow..so much sarah! stalkers, quitting job, half marathons and now licking 'dirt?' :p No offense but black licorice is YUCK!!!
P.S. glad to hear an update from you.