Strange, I thought, I haven't had one of those questions asked in a while. Is it necessary to confirm my birthday or something? So I answered, '.. uh.. 25?'
This lady nearly jumped back an entire foot in surprise. She slid her reading glasses slightly to re-examine my profile.
Curious now, I asked, 'Why, how old do you think I look?'
She gasped and replied, 'Definitely under 18' and continued to ramble on about how she thought I couldn't rent without a library card because I was a minor and how she was genuinely surprised when she found out I was 25...for at least 2 minutes!
It is funny to note that one of the books I signed out was about marital relationships. I wonder what the lady thought about that? Ha ha.
At the exact moment, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the person beside me who was also checking out her books, was a friend I hadn't seen for a long time. She was smirking because she had heard the entire conversation. Oh, the embarrassment.
So perhaps it's time to re-examine my wardrobe, put on make up, loose the glasses, or get a different hair do? Or perhaps it is my 5'1 height. I knew I looked young, like 22, but not under 18!! Oh well, I guess it's a compliment to look young. I'm sure I'll cherish this trait of mine when I hit my 30s or 40s.

To sum it up, married life is awesome. Nate and I have so much fun. Perhaps too much fun!