Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Mystery Meat...REVEALED!!

I apologize for my extreme tardiness from blogging due to my ever-struggling weakness of procrastination. I have received eleven comments on my previous blog from China, however, some comments did not state their opinion concerning the species of the meat Nate and I were about to consume. Nevertheless, I have decided to give justice to those who have taken their time to ponder and comment. Below is a picture of what may have been the animal's relatives. Nono...not my precious cousins posing fashionably in front of the forest which strikingly resembles the home of Tarzan, but rather the sad looking, warm blooded animals behind them... At this point, some of my blogger fans may feel inclined to "punch me in the face", as the pet industry is a multi-million industry in North America, but first let me explain. I LOVE dogs. I fell in love with them the year my fourth grade class researched on the dog unit. While in China, the only reason for us consuming dog meat was due to my extreme curiousity. Noticing the brown mystery meat on the adjacent table next to ours, we were offered one piece of this rather unique smelling meat. Remembering that I have just eaten kangaroo last month, I figure this experience can't be that bad. Was I wrong!! Thoughts of insanely cute puppies (and kids) popped into my head as soon as I nibbled..
..and I repulsively but nonchalantly hid the meat under the turning table. Phew! What an experience of a lifetime. Let's never do that again. So fellow bloggers, what crazy animals have you eaten? Feel free to add onto my frenzy meat eating story...

I experienced an entire week of extreme diarrhea following my trip to China (from my choice of diet, i presume). Arriving in Vancouver, B.C. however, I ignored my stomach's warning signals and headed for the best ski/board mountain in Canada: Whistler!

It was a close call, but thankfully nothing really bad happened.. haha!
Well, this blog is really dragging...I'd like to conclude with the followimg statement: