Up until a month again, I adored Ikea. I remember taking an extreme liking to their neatly organized showrooms, their creative display and usage of colors, and their super value built-in restaurant. I mean, ice cream cones for $1 is extremely cheap, don't you think?
With all those wonderful and happy Ikea memories dancing in my mind, Nate and I decided to venture to Perth's Ikea. I find this lovely advertisement for a feather filled blanket for only $24.95! As I would say: "What a steal of a deal!". That is, until I brought it home, opened it up, and this terrible stentch bombarded our olfactory nerves, causing the boluses of food from my lunch to abnormally exit my lower esophageal sphincter and into my mouth! I nearly passed out! Seriously guys, it smelt like a dead duck!
So, I had this brillant idea to wash it in the washing machine. The blanket stunk up the whole landry room, and that's when I noticed that the feathers were not white and fluffy. Instead, they were black and hard. I think there was a bit of red too. Could it be...blood? Well, I guess I'll never figure out. Unfortunately, after two washes and 3 days of hanging out in the sun, the smell never came out. I waited two weeks before I decided to wash it again. I thought it'd be real smart to stick my pillow case and some clothes in with the blanket. BAADD IDDEEAA. The Ikea blanket caught on FIRE in the dryer and scorched my pillow case! (I'll add a picture later). AND the blanket
still smelt like a dead duck..well, more like a roasted duck! So my theory is that there's part of a dead, rotting duck in embedded in the blanket.
Fortunately, I was able to refund it. Phew! So my advice to you is... smell your blankets before you buy them!
As for life down under...all I have to say is:
Man, it's so hot here!