Pictures are so fun!! They captivate life’s happiest moments. Time is frozen and you’re forever young (or old, depending on when you took the picture! :p). For those with “brain damage” AKA forgetfulness, a snapshot definitely aids in triggering those neurotransmitters. However, pictures can also help recall moments that have haunted you, or ones you would rather not remember. Like the time you got your finger stuck in a hose, those fashionable “bowl” haircuts, or when you decided for some insane reason to look like a freak for chinese school pictures (click if you dare). Anyway, this blog is dedicated to Nate (whom by the way has given permission for the posting of this entry). Two days ago, we accomplished something that we thought was utterly impossible. Since…forever, Nate’s room was used to look like this:

And after FIVE hours of hard work, whining, fits of frustration, choking in dust, discovering non-living objects that move, and lots of perseverance, "Sarahnate" tore the place apart. Behold, the miracle:
So congrats to something we thought was equivalent to slaying a dragon. I wish this sends out a message to all our messy room keepers out there…that there is hope! Haha, no excuses now! Oh, btw, the loose change found around your house is actually worth something. With over 950 pennies, and hundreds of other coins, Nate is now $46 richer!!!